The Sacred Harper's Companion

A Collection of Hymns and Anthems

in Traditional Shape Note Style by Contemporary Composers

Edited by Glen Wright and Susan Mampre

Quick Contents:
Contents by name and author,
Pre-publication review by Paul Gauthier,
Post-publication comments by Ishmael.
Ordering Info

Index by Tune Name

Agawam (27) - Bruce Randall,1993
Angels, Roll the Rock Away (32) - Glen Wright,1993
At Rest (1) - John T. Hocutt,1973
Beard (15) - P. Dan Brittain,1981
Boulder (30) - Ted Johnson,1990
Chelton (26) - Judy Hauff,1988
Cumberland (25) - Jim Carnes,1987
David (2) - Glen Wright,1989
Fairhaven (41) - Glen Wright,1993
Glacier (11) - Dennis O'Brien,1992
Glastonbury (31) - Neely Bruce,1993
Immigration (35) - Glen Wright,1990
Leviathan (19) - Judy Hauff,1988
Life's Troubles (4) - Hugh McGraw,1973
Millbrook (40) - Neely Bruce,1989
Noxubee (12) - Jim Carnes,1988
Oakley (33) - Bruce Randall,1991
Pembroke (36) - Dennis O'Brien,1992
Pilgrim's Rest (18) - Raymond Hamrick,1986
Redemption's Free (28) - Hugh McGraw,1973
Refreshment (10) - Mimi Stevens,1990
Rockland (6) - Bruce Randall,1988
Shepherd (14) - Raymond Hamrick,1992
Stow (22) - Glen Wright,1990
Waltham Common (38) - Glen Wright,1993
Waterton (8) - Robert Parr,1989
We'll Sing the Praise (23) - John T. Hocutt,1973

A Pre-Publication Review

Date: 16 Mar 94 18:52:48 EST
From: Paul Gauthier (

Here's a copy of a message I sent out on the net back last September describing the book:

A new book of original shaped note tunes is in the works. Due out by October, the book is the work of Glen Wright and Susan Mampre of Rutland, MA (Glen's "Natick" appeared in the new 1991 edition of the Original Sacred Harp. They've collected new songs from shaped note composers across the country and combined them into a collection of at least 25 new tunes centered in the OSH tradition.

I asked Susan Mampre the purpose behind their effort. She said "we wanted to collect and share new tunes from all over the country written by composers firmly grounded in the Sacred Harp tradition but who also let their own styles show through. A partial list of composers includes such notables as Jim Carnes and John Hocutt from Alabama, Glen Wright and Bruce Randall from Massachusetts, Judy Hauff and Ted Johnson from Chicago, Ray Hamrick and Hugh McGraw from Georgia, P. Dan Brittain from New York and others. The songs grabbed us. They were moving and also quite singable."

The book is being typeset by computer and should be very clear and readable (Susan and Glen have actually started a business typesetting shaped note music for Sacred Harp groups and individual composers.) Norumbega Harmony has been singing through the new pieces and have become excited about a number of them.

Paul Gauthier
Image Softworks
Westford, MA

Ishmael's Comments

Date: 23 August 1994

After singing from The Harper's Companion for several months now, I am quite pleased with it. The typography is crisp and clear, very easy to read even at late hours in dimly lit halls. The music is quite compatible with the Original Sacred Harp; the melodic lines and harmonies are stirring and sound like they could have been written 150 years ago. The composers are clearly at ease with and familiar with the idiom. For those interested in shape-note hymns in the old style by contemporary historically-inclined composers, this is a book to sing from!

Ordering Information

The Harpers Companion is available for sale at the monthly Boston area Open Sing and at various Sacred Harp Conventions. To order by mail, send $12.00 + $2.50 postage & handling (Massachusetts residents add $0.75 sales tax for the Governor) to:
8 Briarwood Road
Rutland, MA 01543-1754
Make checks payable to Susan Mampre.
Shape-Note Intro | Norumbega Harmony | Sacred Harp
Original: Mar 28 22:28 1995
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2012 /