Norumbega Harmony

Photo Gallery

Singing a Sunday service at Newton Highlands Congregational Church, August, 2015.
group photograph
Newton Highlands, Massachusetts.

Taken on the occasion of the Berkshire Shaker Seminar on July 14, 1994, this JPEG image (432 x 366, 22k) includes, from left to right, Ishmael S-W (lead / tenor), Sarah Brownsberger (treble / soprano), Paul Gauthier (bass) and June Matthews (alto).

photo inside meetinghouse Group photograph taken inside the Rocky Hill Meetinghouse in Amesbury, Massachusetts, for a Mothers Day concert on 12 May 1996. The Meetinghouse, built in 1785, is under the care of the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities and remains well preserved - in addition to having acoustics well suited to our repertoire.
Photo Copyright 1996 Norumbega Harmony, Inc.

singers icon Concert photograph taken at the historic Dover Church, 2003 March 02.

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Original 16 Dec 1997
Last Modified: 2017 Apr 25 / Ishmael the Fiddler